We are always pleased to welcome new local artists into our community. We welcome artists who meet the following criteria:

  • You live at one of the addresses in the Bear Flat area, listed on the form below.

  • Any artist is very welcome to show in their own home if they live within the Bear Flat area.

  • Artists living outside the area are eligible if they have been invited to show in the home of an artist who lives within the designated area.

  • Artists living in Bear Flat who do not want to show in their home may be able to do so in a public space, but they will be responsible for organising and financing this in time for the trail brochure to be published.

  • Artists living outside Bear Flat may also enquire about exhibiting, but venues further than a 10-15 minute walk make the trail impractical for visitors.

Our membership is an annual fee of £10 covering all or part of the year April to March. Trail fees and the Christmas market are charged for separately to cover their respective marketing and hire costs.

Once successfully accepted and your membership fee is paid, we will need 4 square images for the website. One should be of you or you at work, or - if you prefer not to be in the image - your studio space. Additionally we will need 3 square images of your work.

See our artists for examples.